olmsted falls swim team member dives into pool

2025 Schedule

*Volunteers are needed for all Swim Meets. Home meets require more volunteers than away meets. We have 2 home meets this season! Please be sure to sign up for volunteer spots as they become available to ensure we have coverage. We need all families' volunteer support for a successful season!
*All swimmers attending/not attending must RSVP to each swim meet.  Swim line ups will be finalized and must be turned in prior to the meet. It is important you complete the swim meet RSVP by the deadline.  If you do not RSVP by the meet deadline, your swimmer will not be assigned races in the line up.

April 7

Online registration opens for all swimmers.   The registration link will available on our Falls Pointe Swim Team website.

*Swimsuit donations being accepted!  Younger swim families appreciate donated swim suits in good condition.

April 13

Registration ends. If an age group is not full, we will continue to accept additional swimmers.

April 28

Registered swimmers will be notified if they received a spot on the team or waitlist.   Falls Pointe Residents & Relatives along with returning swimmers are given spots first.  Additional swimmers from the Olmsted Falls School district will be added until the age group is full.

May 3

Registration Payment Due
Registration fees must be paid to reserve a spot on the team.  If you do not complete payment, your spot will be given to a swimmer on the waitlist.  The registration fee is $150 per swimmer.

May 31

Swim Test @ 10am @ Falls Pointe Pool

*12 and under swimmers new to Falls Pointe Swim Team must pass a swim test.

May 31

Team swimsuits should be ordered to ensure they arrive and fit for our first swim meet. See the Current Swimmers page.

Volunteer sign ups due to confirm coverage for the season. See the Current Swimmers page.


Swim Practice - morning practice begins
9 & under swimmers: 9am-10am Monday thru Friday

10 year old swimmers may attend the 9am or 10am practice.

11 & up swimmers: 10am-11am Monday thru Friday*Please arrive 5 minutes early to your practice.

Morning practices run every Monday thru Friday until July 18th. No practice July 4th.


Swim Meet
Falling Oaks @ Falls Pointe Piranhas
Swimmers should arrive by 5:15 pm
Meet starts at 6:15 pm
*All swimmers must RSVP by deadline.


Piranhas Pancakes & Team Pictures
9am-11 am (all swimmers, all ages)
Swimmers should meet at the tennis courts at 8:50 am in your team shirt and suit.


Swim Meet
Relay - All Teams @ Berea Rec
Swimmers should arrive by 7:45am - gates open at 7:30am
Meet starts at 8:30am
*All swimmers must RSVP by deadline.


Swim Meet
Westview Sharks @ Falls Pointe Piranhas
Swimmers should arrive by 5:15 pm
Meet starts at 6:15 pm
*All swimmers must RSVP by deadline.


Swim Meet
Falls Pointe Piranhas @ Oakridge Swim Team
Swimmers should arrive by 5:15 pm
Meet starts at 6:15 pm
*All swimmers must RSVP by deadline.


Swim Meet
 Berea Rec @ Falls Pointe Piranhas
Swimmers should arrive by 5:15 pm
Meet starts at 6:15 pm
*All swimmers must RSVP by deadline.


Swim Meet 
Championship - All Teams @ Berea Rec
Swimmers should arrive by 7:45 am - gates open at 7:30 am
Meet starts at 8:30 am
*All swimmers must RSVP by deadline.  Due to limited spots, Championship meet is invite only.


Team Awards Celebration & Family Picnic
4:30 - 7:30 pm @ Falls Pointe Pool
Sign up to bring a dish for the potluck, chairs or a blanket for the family.
It's a pool party! Evite will be sent out mid July.